Elena Babenko
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Süssmuth
PhD Topic: Discovery, Biosynthesis and Mechanism of Lipolanthines.
Contact: elena.babenko@campus.tu-berlin.de
Nico Brüssow
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dittmann
PhD Topic: Genomic mining and biosynthesis of bioactive peptides from cyanobacteria.
Contact: bruessow@uni-potsdam.de
Claudia Cairns, née Feurstein
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Meyer, PD Dr. Jung
PhD Topic: Structure function characterization and re-design of antifungal peptides
Contact: c.cairns@tu-berlin.de
Milo Cornellisen
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Süßmuth
PhD Topic: Total synthesis of Darobactin.
Contact: Milo.Cornelissen@chem.tu-berlin.de
Tobias Eulberg
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Süßmuth
PhD Topic: Unravelling resistance mechanisms against the antibacterial compound albicidin.
Contact: tobias.eulberg@chem.tu-berlin.de
Jonathan Franke
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hackenberger
PhD Topic: Targeted delivery of next generation P(V) bioconjugates.
Contact: JFranke@fmp-berlin.de
Peng Gao
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Süßmuth
PhD Topic: Albicidin analogues overcoming resistance mechanisms.
Contact: peng.gao@campus.tu-berlin.de
Manuel Gemander
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Süßmuth
PhD Topic: Total Synthesis and SAR Studies of Lipolanthine-Type Peptide Antibiotics.
Contact: manuel.gemander@chem.tu-berlin.de
Maxine Gripberg
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wahl
PhD Topic: Novel spliceosome interactions in human.
Contact: m.gripberg@fu-berlin.de
Lena Heber
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Meyer/ PD Dr. Jung
PhD Topic: Structure-function characterization and redesign of antifungal peptides.
Contact: l.heber@tu-berlin.de
Carl Helmer
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wahl
PhD Topic: Green Chemistry: Characterization of Biorelevant Enzymes on a Biochemical and Structural Level.
Contact: carlh97@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Alina Herfort
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Seitz
PhD Topic: Synthese und Evaluierung posttranslational modifizierter Multirepeateinheiten der C-terminalen Domäne von RNA-Polymerase II.
Contact: alina.herfort@student.hu-berlin.de
Friederike Sophie Hoberg
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vera Meyer, PD Dr. Sascha Jung
Project: Establishment of a heterologous production system for azaphilone pigments from the genus Monascus.
Contact: f.hoberg@campus.tu-berlin.de
Dou Hong
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Süßmuth
Project: The Total Synthesis of novel antifungal NRP-PK hybrids.
Contact: dou.hong@campus.tu-berlin.de
Anton Ketzel
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sun
Project: Conformational analysis of cyclic peptides with anisotropic NMR spectroscopy and molecular simulations.
Contact: ketzel@fmp-berlin.de
Nikolai Klishin
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Möller
PhD Topic: Structural analysis of the interaction between Paxillin and Integrins.
Contact: nikolai.klishin@uni-potsdam.de
Judith Müchler
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hackenberger
PhD Topic: Cell-permeable probes for the analysis of protein-protein interactions and protein modifications.
Contact: muechler@fmp-berlin.de
Shalini Muralikumar
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mroginski
Project: Conformational dynamics of peptides in solution and at
a membrane interface by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
PhD Topic: Dynamics of Chimeric AFP (Anti-fungal Peptides) Peptides.
Lena Neumair
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Süssmuth
PhD Topic: Structural insights and evolution of antiviral activity of newly isolated Labyrinthopeptin homologs.
Contact: lena.neumair@chem.tu-berlin.de
Alexander Rau
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rappsilber
PhD Topic: Modelling of novel protein-protein interactions identified by cross-linking mass spectrometry.
Contact: rau@tu-berlin.de
Aparna Palakkurussi Rathessan
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Koksch
PhD Topic: Rational design of antimicrobially active β-hairpin peptides.
Yulia Perevedentseva
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Möller
PhD Topic: Peptides enwind crucial raw materials: the “natural 16separation” of lanthanides.
Joana-Lysiane Schäfer
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Keller
PhD Topic: Rare event simulation for bioactive peptides.
Contact: schaefej51@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Krithika Unmesh
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mroginski
PhD Topic: Dynamic Characterization of Antimicrobial Peptides in Complex Bio-molecular Environments using Computational Approaches.
Contact: krithika.unmesh@tu-berlin.de
Lei Zhong
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Süssmuth
PhD Topic: Isolation and structural elucidation of bioactive PKs-NPRs and biosynthetic pathways involved.
Contact: lei.zhong@chem.tu-berlin.de